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Launch template format

The launch template consists of three main parts

Here is an example of a launch template.

"data": {
"assets": [
"id": "123",
"creationDate": "1977-05-04T13:37:00.000Z",
"updateDate": "1977-05-25T13:37:00.000Z",
"metadata": [
"key": "title",
"value": "Example asset"
"files": [
"id": "234",
"type": "VIDEO",
"url": "",
"container": {
"videoStreams": [
"frameRateNumerator": 30,
"frameRateDenominator": 1
"audioStreams": [
"channels": 2
"metadata": [
"key": "language",
"value": "en"
"url": "",
"type": "AUDIO",
"container": {
"audioStreams": [
"channels": 2
"type": "SUBTITLE",
"url": "",
"container": {
"format": "vtt"
"type": "SUBTITLE",
"url": "",
"container": {
"format": "stl",
"startTime": {
"frame": 3600,
"numerator": 1,
"denominator": 1
"type": "STILL_FRAME",
"url": "",
"metadata": [
"key": "still_frame:timestamp",
"value": "27361@24:1"
"type": "SPRITE_MAP",
"url": "",
"manifest": {
"width": 240,
"height": 135,
"sprites": [
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"t": 13152384000
"type": "WAVEFORM",
"url": "",
"metadata": [
"key": "waveform:source_file_id",
"value": "234"
"key": "waveform:track",
"value": "0"
"markerGroups": [
"title": "Group title",
"readOnly": false,
"markerStyle": {
"backgroundColor": "var(--AP-SUCCESS)"
"markerTracks": [
"title": "Track title",
"markers": [
"metadata": [
"key": "name",
"value": "Marker name"
"key": "description",
"value": "Marker description"
"start": {
"frame": 100,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"end": {
"frame": 9000,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"project": {
"metadata": [
"key": "av_frame_rate_numerator",
"value": "24"
"key": "av_frame_rate_denominator",
"value": "1"
"key": "av_drop_frame",
"value": "false"
"key": "av_aspect_ratio_width",
"value": "256"
"key": "av_aspect_ratio_height",
"value": "109"
"segments": [
"start": {
"frame": 0,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"end": {
"frame": 121,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"metadata": [
"key": "z-index",
"value": "0"
"key": "source-in",
"value": "0"
"key": "source-out",
"value": "3557400000"
"key": "track-type",
"value": "V"
"key": "track",
"value": "V0"
"key": "source-track",
"value": "0"
"key": "source-channel",
"value": "0"
"key": "target-track",
"value": "0"
"key": "source-rate-drop-frame",
"value": "false"
"key": "source-asset-id",
"value": "123"
"key": "source-file-id",
"value": "234"
"endpoints": {
"publish": {
"download": false,
"http": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer ..."
"settings": {
"features": {
"videoContextMenu": false


Contains all session data. Information about the assets that are to be opened. It is possible to define multiple assets although in most cases a single asset is sufficient.

Asset Files

An asset can hold multiple files. Typically, files consist of a type, url, container (technical metadata) and metadata (user defined metadata).


MP4 video files are analyzed on the fly to extract container information like frame rate and channel count. HLS/DASH streams are not analyzed, and format, frame rate and audio channel counts needs to be added manually.

"type": "VIDEO",
"url": "",
"container": {
"format": "dash",
"videoStreams": [
"frameRateNumerator": 24,
"frameRateDenominator": 1
"audioStreams": [
"channels": 2
"metadata": [
"key": "language",
"value": "en"

The frontend application will try to figure out some of these properties by analyzing the file. Information provided in the launch template will however always take precedence over the file analysis.

Container propertyRequiredDescription
formatNoThe video file format. Needs to be set to dash for MPEG Dash manifests (.mpd) and hls for HLS manifests (.m3u8). It does not need to be set for simple video proxies, played with progressive download.
startTimeNoThe start time offset for the video. Specified as a time code object. This example uses a start time offset of 1 hour (01:00:00:00): { "frame": 3600, "numerator": 1, "denominator": 1}
videoStreamsNoArray of videoStream objects
audioStreamsNoArray of audioStream objects
subtitleStreamsNoArray of subtitleStream objects
Video stream object
Video stream propertyRequiredTypeDescription
timeBaseNumeratorNonumberTime base numerator
timeBaseDenominatorNonumberTime base denominator
durationNonumberDuration of the video stream in the provided time base
frameRateNumeratorNonumberVideo frame rate numerator
frameRateDenominatorNonumberVideo frame rate denominator
resolutionWidthNonumberVideo resolution width
resolutionHeightNonumberVideo resolution height
aspectRatioWidthNonumberVideo aspect ratio width
aspectRatioHeightNonumberVideo aspect ratio height
metadataNoarrayArray of key/value pairs. ex: [{ "key": "the key", "value": "the value" }]
bitrateNonumberbitrate information, used for display purposes only
codecNostringcodec information, used for display purposes only
Audio stream object
Audio stream propertyRequiredTypeDescription
timeBaseNumeratorNonumberTime base numerator
timeBaseDenominatorNonumberTime base denominator
durationNonumberDuration of the video stream in the provided time base
sampleRateNonumberThe sample rate
channelsNonumberThe number of channels in the stream
metadataNoarrayArray of key/value pairs. ex: [{ "key": "the key", "value": "the value" }]
bitrateNonumberbitrate information, used for display purposes only
codecNostringcodec information, used for display purposes only
Subtitle stream object
Subtitle stream propertyRequiredTypeDescription
metadataNoarrayArray of key/value pairs. ex: [{ "key": "the key", "value": "the value" }]


Audio files are not analyzed. They require channel count information to be provided.

"type": "AUDIO",
"url": "",
"container": {
"audioStreams": [
"channels": 2
Container propertyRequiredDescription
audioStreamsNoArray of audioStream objects


Subtitle files are not analyzed. They require container format to be defined.

"type": "SUBTITLE",
"url": "",
"container": {
"format": "vtt",
"startTime": {
"frame": 3600,
"numerator": 1,
"denominator": 1
Container propertyRequiredDescription
formatYesThe subtitle/caption format. One of: srt, vtt, scc, pac, imsc, .cap, .ìtt or stl
startTimeNoThe start time offset for the time codes in the file. Specified as a time code object. This example uses a start time offset of 1 hour (01:00:00:00): { "frame": 3600, "numerator": 1, "denominator": 1}

Thumbnails - Still Frame

Thumbnails as still frames, one thumbnail per image file.

"type": "STILL_FRAME",
"url": "",
"metadata": [
"key": "still_frame:timestamp",
"value": "27361@24:1"
Metadata KeyRequiredDescription
still_frame:timestampYesTimestamp of still frame. Format timestamp@timebase_numerator:timebase_denominator. Example: Frame 123 on a video with 29.97 fps would be described as 123@30000:1001

Thumbnails - Sprite Map

Thumbnails as sprite map, multiple thumbnails per image file.

"type": "SPRITE_MAP",
"url": "",
"manifest": {
"width": 240,
"height": 135,
"sprites": [
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"t": 13152384000
Sprite Map Manifest
"width": 240,
"height": 135,
"sprites": [
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"t": 13152384000
widthYesnumberWidth of thumbnails.
heightYesnumberHeight of thumbnails.
spritesYesarrayArray of sprites, describing the coordinate and the timestamp of a single thumbnail
xYesnumberx coordinate (horizontal) in pixels from the upper left corner of the image. 0 is the left edge of the image.
yYesnumbery coordinate (vertical) in pixels from the upper left corner of the image. 0 is the top edge of the image.
tYesnumberTimestamp of thumbnail in Flicks


Waveform files requires source file information to match an audio or video file. We currently support the formats generated by audiowaveform.

"type": "WAVEFORM",
"url": "",
"metadata": [
"key": "waveform:source_file_id",
"value": "VIDEO-1"
"key": "waveform:track",
"value": "0"
Metadata KeyRequiredDescription
waveform:source_file_idYesThe source file id, this should match the id of the video or audio file this waveform was generated from
waveform:trackYesThe source track index

Asset Markers

Asset markers are defined through the markerGroups property.

"markerGroups": [
"title": "Group title",
"readOnly": false,
"markerStyle": {
"backgroundColor": "var(--AP-SUCCESS)"
"markerTracks": [
"title": "Track title",
"isDefaultTrackForMarkerCreation": true,
"markers": [
"metadata": [
"key": "name",
"value": "Marker name"
"key": "description",
"value": "Marker description"
"start": {
"frame": 100,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"end": {
"frame": 9000,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"markerStyle": {
"backgroundColor": "var(--AP-SUCCESS)"

Marker group

titleYesstringTitle to show in timeline
markerTracksYesarrayArray of tracks included in the marker group, see Marker track
idNostringIdentifier for the group
markerStyleNostringStyle for all markers within this group, see Marker style
readOnlyNobooleanWhen set to true it prevents the user from adding markers to the group
allowCreateTrackNobooleanWhen set to true it allows user to manually create tracks in the UI for the group

Marker track

titleYesstringTitle to show in timeline
idNostringIdentifier for the track
markersNoarrayArray of markers included in the track, see Marker
markerStyleNostringStyle for all markers within this track, see Marker style
readOnlyNobooleanWhen set to true it prevents the user from adding markers to the track
formNostringSpecifies what form to be used for the track. If no form is specified the form with key "defaultMarker" will be used. If set to null, no form will be used.
tooltipNostringTooltip to show when hovering over a marker
isDefaultTrackForMarkerCreationNobooleanWhen set to true, this track is the default track selected when creating markers. Can only be set to true on one marker track. If not set on any track, the first writeable track is selected.


startYesobjectA timecode object containing information about the start time of the marker
endYesobjectA timecode object containing information about the end time of the marker
metadataNoarrayArray of Metadata
keyYesstringThe metadata key
valueYesstringThe value
frameYesnumberThe frame representing the time
numeratorYesnumberUsed for calculating the framerate
denominatorYesnumberUsed for calculating the framerate

Marker style

The markerStyle property can be set on either group level, track level or marker level. Setting markerStyle on group level will add the marker style on all markers in that group, setting markerStyle on track level will add the marker style to all markers in that track and setting it on marker level will add that marker style to the individual marker.


Marker level > Track level > Group level


The endpoints object literal describes outgoing communication for the session, how data is published, for example.

  "endpoints": {
"publish": {
"download": true,
"http": {
"url": "",
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer ..."


downloadNobooleanDownload data as a .json file. This is useful when debugging.
httpNoobjectPass data through http. See http.
includePreviewImageDataNobooleanSet to true to include preview image data when publishing posters in Poster.


urlYesstringUrl to the target endpoint.
methodNostringPOST, PUT, PATCHPOSTHTTP method to use.
headersNoobjectHeaders to use in request.

Note that if authentication is enabled, the Authorization header will be used in the http call unless overridden in http.headers.Authorization


The settings property allows you to configure the settings described here.

"data": [
"settings": {
"features": {
"videoContextMenu": false

Settings can also be provided as a list of settings objects, in that case they are merged in the order they appear. This is useful if you want to use $ref references.

Remote JSON References

The launch template format allows the use of JSON Schema $ref references. This is useful if you want to split the launch template up in different parts. You could for example keep settings that seldom change in a separate file hosted somewhere else.

"data": [
"settings": [
"$ref": ""
"retention": "P2W"

Remote references ($ref) will be resolved before the launch template is opened. Let's say contains:

"safeAreas": [
"name": "16:9",
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": "16:9"
"name": "4:3",
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": "4:3"

This would result in the following settings object after de-referencing and merging:

"safeAreas": [
"name": "16:9",
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": "16:9"
"name": "4:3",
"url": "",
"aspectRatio": "4:3"
"retention": "P2W"

JSON references ($ref) works in all parts of the launch template, not just the settings block that is exemplified here. There is one exception and that is the settings.forms key. Custom forms are dereferenced when they are used instead of when the launch template is read.