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Launch API

These parameters can be used when using the Launch API: /launch/:application.

Path parameterAlternativesDescription
applicationvalidate, edit, posterThe application to load

Launch Template

Query parameterDescription
launchTemplateThe launch template url to load
manualIf "true", gives you the possibility to edit the contents of the launch template before proceeding

License key

Query parameterDescription
licenseKeyThe license key for Accurate Video

The licenseKey specified in query parameters takes precedence over the licenseKey specified in the launch template


You can configure authentication by providing a set of query parameters when opening a launch template.


You can read more in our how-to-guide How to use authentication

General authentication parameters

Query parameterAlternativesDefaultDescription
authMethodnone, oidc, tokennoneDetermines what authentication method to use


Additional query parameters relevant if you configure oidc as authMethod:

Query parameterRequiredAlternativesDefaultDescription
authOIDCAuthorityYesThe URL of the OIDC/OAuth2 provider
authOIDCClientIdYesYour client application's identifier as registered with the OIDC/OAuth2
authOIDCResponseTypeNocodeThe type of response desired from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider
authOIDCScopeNoopenid email profileThe scope being requested from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider
authOIDCTokenTypeNoaccess, idaccessThe token to use in the Authorization header on requests
authOIDCRedirectUriNoDefault redirect URIThe redirect URI of Accurate.Video to receive a response from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider on login. This should be set to the uri where Accurate.Video is hosted. You probably do not need to change this unless you are hosting Accurate.Video from a subpath on your domain.
authOIDCLogoutRedirectUriNoDefault redirect URIThe redirect URI of Accurate.Video to receive a response from the OIDC/OAuth2 provider on logout. This should be set to the uri where Accurate.Video is hosted. You probably do not need to change this unless you are hosting Accurate.Video from a subpath on your domain.
Default redirect URI

The default authOIDCRedirectUri and authOIDCLogoutRedirectUri is calculated in the following way:

const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const finalRedirectUri = `${url.origin}${url.pathname}`;

For example, for this URL

the default authOIDCRedirectUri and authOIDCLogoutRedirectUri would result in


Additional query parameters relevant if you configure token as authMethod:

Query parameterDefaultDescription
authTokenParametertokenThe query parameter that the token should be read from
authTokenPrefixBearerThe token prefix that will be used in the Authorization header. ex: Authorization {prefix} {token}


Query parameterDefaultDescription
frame0The initial frame to seek to when loading the application


Query parameterAlternativesDefaultDescription
workspaceGeneral, Audio, AdbreakGeneralDetermines what workspace to open at the initial load