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Publish output format

The output format is an array of Poster objects each describing an individual poster:

"cropRectangle": {
"x": 727.8592,
"y": 93.74,
"top": 93.74,
"left": 727.8592,
"bottom": 607.0863999999999,
"right": 1933.7216,
"width": 1205.8624,
"height": 513.3463999999999,
"sourceWidth": 2048,
"sourceHeight": 872
"resolution": {
"width": 2048,
"height": 872
"frame": {
"frame": 15622,
"numerator": 24,
"denominator": 1
"metadata": [
"key": "label",
"value": ""
"key": "destination_format",
"value": "jpeg"


cropRectangleobjectCrop Rectangle object containing crop information
resolutionobjectResolution object containing the width and height of the poster
frameobjectFrame object containing information about the time code of the poster
metadataarrayArray of Metadata objects, describing additional form data
imageBase64stringThe preview poster image in base64 format
This property is only included if endpoints.publish.includePreviewImageData is enabled in the Launch Template

Crop Rectangle

This objects describes the cropping area of the source image. The left, top, right, bottom, x, y, width, and height properties describe the position and size of the overall rectangle in pixels. Properties other than width and height are relative to the top-left of the source image.

Crop Rectangle Example

xnumberThe x coordinate of the crop rectangle's origin
ynumberThe y coordinate of the crop rectangle's origin
topnumberThe top coordinate value of the crop rectangle
leftnumberThe left coordinate value of the crop rectangle
bottomnumberThe bottom coordinate value of the crop rectangle
rightnumberThe right coordinate value of the crop rectangle
widthnumberThe width of the crop rectangle
heightnumberThe height of the crop rectangle
sourceWidthnumberThe width of the source image
sourceHeightnumberThe height of the source image


widthnumberThe width of the poster in pixels
heightnumberThe height of the poster in pixels


framenumberThe frame the poster was taken from
numeratornumberThe frame time base numerator
denominatornumberThe frame time base denominator


keystringthe metadata key
valuestringthe value

The possible metadata keys are:

Metadata KeyDescription
labelThe label of the poster
destination_formatThe destination image format